

brigade 1


So my Brigade kickstarter was successfully funded in July 2013 and after several stops and starts on the production line, the book is in its final stages of completion. I’m going to share several stages of the production process, pencils, inks and colors. Pictured above is the pencils prior to going to inks.


Above is the inks by Adelso Corona and myself. Adelso traditionally handles figures and some backgrounds and I always ink my faces no matter who inks me, going on 20 plus years.



The original colorist, Juan Fernandez, did a wonderful job before transitioning to a new career in the middle of coloring the book. This necessitated my finding a new colorist who could start from scratch and keep the quality high.


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This final colored version is just one version done by colorist Romulo Fajardo. The work is absolutely stunning and inspires me every time I receive a page. More previews to come as we build the Road to BRIGADE!


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