
DEADPOOL Video Game News! CABLE!!!

Over the last decade I’ve been very fortunate to watch two of my creations, Cable and Deadpool, explode in popularity, nearly matching the original excitement that surrounded them in their debut in the early 90’s. Very Exciting news leaked today in the form of two advance screen shots of the upcoming Deadpool video game! This first one features Deadpool in action, a hint of much more to come I’m sure. These shots are from Xbox Online Magazine.

The second and possibly more exciting news was the officail confirmation that Cable is featured in the game. I mean, was there any doubt? No firm release date has been set, as soon as I’m aware, I’ll let you know!

Another of my creations, Domino, debuted in my first issue of as writer of New Mutants #98. Word is that she’ll be appearing in the Deadpool video game adding even more kick for your buck!

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