This cover is already $25 bucks????

So tomorrow Deadpool/Cable #25 hits the stores and by the looks of this cover, things don’t look good for Cable! I’m always thrilled whenever I get the chance to draw a cover and when Marvel called and asked me to draw this baby up, I was chomping at the bit! They specifically asked me to ape the cover to Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 illustrated by the incomparable George Perez ( a long time favorite of mine since youth)  I knew that I would not be able to draw nearly as many supporting cast members as George did, as a matter of fact, I had a hard time placing this many Marvel heroes from memory to begin with! This cover is a variant and as such will be a little harder to get your hands on. As a matter of fact, several retail sites are already charging $25 for this cover and it doesn’t arrive until tomorrow. I’m not on Marvel’s comp list and even if I was, I’m not sure that would include the rare variant covers, so I will be out there in the hunt like the rest of you collectors! Good luck to us all!

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