Here’s another shot from Deadpool Corps. #3 coming next month! Thanks for all the continued support for the ongoing series! We are all having a great time producing each issue!
Here’s another shot from Deadpool Corps. #3 coming next month! Thanks for all the continued support for the ongoing series! We are all having a great time producing each issue!
The guns are blazing in Deadpool Corps. #7 as the gang lands smack dab in the middle of a tribal conflict on an alien planet….
So Marvel is releasing yet another X-Force HC collecting my remaining New Mutants issues from #98-100 and the first several X-Force issues! I cannot tell…
I’ll be posting some of my favorite Deadpool commissions here on the site. My favorite Deadpool in recent years is this mash-up with Karate Kid…
Not much to say, more un-published art to show. The former Deadpool/X-Force mini-series written by Duane Swierczynski and drawn by myself, alas, what could have…
Here are a few videos I’ve put together depicting how I lay in the grey tones on Zombie Jesus! pages.