Youngblood Script

As the 25th anniversary of both Youngblood and Image Comics approaches, I find myself pouring over both familiar, existing published material as well as the hundreds of Youngblood pages, sketches and scripts that have never seen the light of day.

Youngblood #1

A short while back I penned this Youngblood screenplay, it was a story that I wanted to tell, it was a tale I’d been sitting on for years. This is my vision of what a Youngblood movie would look and how it would feel like. I know that fans who have loved Youngblood through the ages are certain to be thrilled by some if not many of the beats throughout this script. This has not been exposed at the studio level and that is certainly not the purpose here. This is for YOU! It costs me nothing to give this to you as a free pdf, something created and written for the most extreme Youngblood die-hards ? !!!

So as we mount a new direction for Youngblood at the hands of a new age of talented comic book creators, I figured I’d share this with all of you wonderful fans who put Youngblood at the top of the charts those many years ago and have clamored for it ever since. It is very likely I’ll adapt this script as a graphic novel in the very near future, wether providing the art myself or with a fresh new illustrator that can crash the pages with the same raucous energy and style as my partners and I did when we gathered together to launch our little Image comics line in the summer of 1992!

Looking forward to your feedback and commentary!

Rob Liefeld

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