Complete Rob Liefeld Checklist
by Jeremy Brown

Image/Extreme Studios:
- Angela/Glory #1—-cover
- Avengelyne (2011) #1-8 covers
- Avengelyne SDCC 2023 Whatnot exclusive
- Badrock 1a, 1b,1c,2—-cover/interior
- Bloodpool #1—-cover
- Bloodstrike #9,25—-DPS/cover & interior layouts
- Bloodstrike Assassin #1—-cover
- Bloodstrike 2012 #26 cover art
- Bloodstrike 2015 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c covers/interiors
- Bloodstrike Revisited 2017
- Bloodstrike 2018 #0b cover art
- Bloodstrike 2018 #23 cover, 23a exclusive variant, #24 cover
- Bloodstrike 30th #1 Wondercon exclusive
- Bloodwulf #1—-cover
- Bloodwulf 2023 #1,1b,1c whatnot exclusives
- Brigade Vol.1 #1-4—-covers
- Brigade Vol.2 #2—-cover
- Brigade Vol.3 #1, 1b SDCC Exclusive
- Brigade 2019 NYCC exclusive variants 1a,1b,1c LA comicon variant, Stan Lee convention variant
- Brigade indiegogo variant
- Brigade remastered #1 cover/Heirborne flipbook
- Brigade 30th #1 Blood Brothers variant RLC exclusive
- Chapel #1,2—-covers
- The Covenant 1-5
- Cyberpunx #1—-cover
- Cybrid #0
- Darker Image—- Interiors. Bloodwulf story
- Deathmate Red—-cover/interior art in part of the story
- Deathmate Prologue—-interior art in one of the stories
- Doom’s IV 1,1b,2—-covers
- Extreme Sacrifice #1,2—-covers/some interior art
- Extreme Sacrifice TPB—-cover
- Extreme Super Tour—-cover
- Extreme #0—-cover/interior art for “cybrid” story
- Extreme Destroyer Prologue—-cover/some interior art
- Extreme Destroyer Epilogue—-cover/some interior art
- Extreme Previews 1996—-cover/interior promos
- Extreme Previews 1997—-cover/interior promos
- Extreme Hero—-interior art on “cybrid” story
- Extreme Tour 93
- Extreme Sampler Ashcan
- Extreme 2012 Preview book
- Extreme Studios 2017 anniversary book
- Extreme Yearbook 2022 #1a, 1b
- Glory 2012 #23 cover art
- Glory and Friends Christmas Special—-interior art on one of the stories
- Glory/Avengelyne 1,1a(chrome)—-covers/interiors
- Glory/Avengelyne LTD Boxset—-exclusive cover
- Grifter/Badrock #1,2—-covers
- Image #0—-interior art “troll” story
- Image United #1 Larry’s Comics Exclusive—-Cover/interior art
- Image United #1a,1b,2a,2b,2c,2d,3—-covers/interior art
- Infinite, The #1- 4 covers/interiors
- Inside Image 1,5,10,15,16,18,21,22,25—-covers/interior promo art/posters
- Hit Girl #6 cover art
- Lady Supreme #2—-cover
- Lethal #1—-cover
- Maximage #1—-cover
- Newmen TPB—-cover
- Operation Knightstrike #1,2—-covers
- Phantom Force #1—-cover inks
- Prophet #1,2—-cover/plot
- Prophet vol2 #8 ad for issue 9
- Prophet TPB—-cover
- Prophet 2012 #21 cover art
- Prophet Strikefile #2 interior art
- Prophet Annual—-interior art
- Prophet/Chapel #1,2—-covers
- Prophet remastered #1 1a-1g RLC exclusive variant
- Prophet #1 remastered battle damage variant Whatnot exclusive
- Prophet 30th #1 WonderCon exclusive, #1 RLC chrome exclusive
- Riptide #1,2—-covers
- Savage Dragon #50—-pin up, #250 cover art
- Shadowhawk #0—-cover/interior art
- Shadowhawk #1 cover inks
- Spawn #12—-pin up
- Spawn #198
- Spawn #200
- Supreme #0—-cover inks
- Supreme 2012 #63c, 63 Second Printing Cover art.
- Starlight #5 cover
- Tribute to Michael Turner—-convention sketch/pin-up
- Violator/Badrock #1,1a,2,3,4—-covers
- Violator/Badrock TPB—-cover
- Vogue #1,2,3—-covers
- Walking Dead #1 Amazing Arizona Variant/WW Madison variant
- Walking Dead deluxe #19 cover art
- Youngblood Vol.1 #0-10—-everything
- Youngblood Baptism of Fire TPB—-cover/interior art
- Youngblood Vol.2 #2,3,4,5,10—-covers/interior art back up in #5
- Team Youngblood #9,10,16,17,19—-covers/interior art in #9
- Youngblood Strikefile #1-5—-covers for all/interiors in 1-3
- Youngblood Battlezone #1,2—-cover/pin-up
- Youngblood Vol.4) 1,1b,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8b (ECCC Variant),9,9b (Team Variant)—-covers for all/interior art for 8,9
- Youngblood 2012 ongoing: #71-78 Cover art, some interior art. #71 Second Printing Cover Art
- Youngblood Hardcover—-cover/interior
- Youngblood #1 Ashcan Edition “A”
- Youngblood #1 Ashcan Edition “B”
- Youngblood 2017 cover art 1a-1d,2,3,4,5,6,6a,7,8,9,10
Maximum Press
- Avengelyne #0—-cover
- Avengelyne #2,2a—-covers
- Avengelyne Deadly Sins #1,2—-covers
- Avengelyne Power #1—-cover
- Avengelyne/Glory #1—-cover
- Avengelyne Swimsuit Edition—-cover
- Avengelyne/Prophet #1,1a,2—-cover/interiors
- Avengelyne/Warrior Nun Areala #1—-cover
- Battlestar Galactica #1,2,4—-covers
- Battlestar Galactica Starbuck #1,2—-cover/cover inks
- Battlestar Galactica TPB—-cover
- BlackFlag #0—-cover
- Cybrid #1—-cover
- Darkchylde Vol.1 #1—-cover
- Darkside #1—-cover
- Glory #17,18—-covers
- The Godyssey #1—-cover
- Lady Pendragon #1,1a—-covers
- Prophet/Cable #1,2—-cover/interiors #1, some interior in #2
- Sisters of Mercy #1—-cover
- Supreme #47,48—-covers
- Warchild #1-4—-covers
- Warchild TPB—-cover
Awesome Entertainment
- The Allies SDCC Preview—-cover/some interior art
- Agent America Preview—-cover
- Avengelyne #1—-cover/layouts
- Brigade #1—-cover inks
- The Coven Vol.1 #1—-cover
- The Coven Vol.2 #1—-cover
- Deity #1 (Hyperworks)—-cover
- Fighting American Special Comicon Edition
- Fighting American Comic Cavalcade Exclusive
- Fighting American #1,2a,2b
- Fighting American: Rules of the Game #1,1b,2,3
- Fighting American: Dogs of War 98 Tour Edition
- Fighting American: Dogs of War #2
- Fighting American/Awesome Holiday Special #1
- Glory #0,0b (DF Exclusive)—-covers
- Judgment Day Sourcebook—-cover
- Judgment Day Alpha #1,1b,1c—-covers/interiors
- Judgment Day Omega #1—-cover/interior
- Judgment Day #3—-interior
- Kaboom Vol.1 #3—-cover
- Kaboom Vol.2 #1—-cover
- Menace #1—-cover
- Mark/Menace Convention Preview—-cover/interior art
- Re:Gex Convention Preview—-cover/interior
- Re:Gex #0a,0b,0c,0d,0e,0f,0g,0h—-covers/interior
- Re:Gex #1,1b,1c (Double Trouble Edition)—-cover/interior
- Re:Gex 98 Tour Edition—-cover/interior
- Re:Gex Wizard World Special Edition—-cover/interior
- Re:Gex A! List Ashcan—-cover/interior
- Scarlet Crush #1—-cover
- Six String Samurai #1—-cover
- Supreme #49,50,51—-cover/cover + pin-up/cover
- Supreme: The Return #1,2,3,4,6
- Youngblood #1 Convention Exclusive LTD 500—-cover
- Youngblood #1,2—-covers
- Youngblood GT Interactive Special
- Youngblood E3 Special Edition
- Arcade
- Arcade Comics Sketchbook Vol.1 (LTD 25)—-cover/DPS/back cover
- Youngblood Bloodsport Bootleg #1,2—-cover/interior
- Youngblood Bloodsport 2002 Convention Preview—-cover/interior
- Youngblood Bloodsport 1,1b,1c,1d,1e (WWLA Exclusive)—-cover/interior
- Youngblood Imperial #1,1b—-covers
- Nitrogen Preview
- Nitrogen #1—-cover
- Nitrogen: Extreme Forces #1,1b—-covers
- Suprema #1,1b,1c—-covers/interior
- Youngblood Genesis #1,2—-cover inks/cover
- Youngblood Maximum Edition—-cover/interior
- Absolute Carnage vs Deadpool #1-3 cover art
- Age of X-man #1 1:50 variant cover art
- All new X-men #3 ’92 cover variant
- Amazing Spider-Man Annual #23
- Amazing Spider-man King in Black #1 cover DP30
- Amazing Spider-Man #1 facsimile Whatnot exclusive
- Amazing Spider-Man #78 cover. Dp30
- Astonishing x-men #13 1:25 variant cover
- Avengers vol2 # 1,4,5
- Avengers #49, 50,51,54, 58cover dp30 variant
- Avengers/Youngblood Ashcan
- Badrock/Wolverine #1
- Black Panther vs Deadpool exclusive variants.
- Black Panther #2 dp30 variant cover
- Black Widow #13 dp30 variant cover
- Bishop War College #1 cover
- Cable Reloaded #1 dp30 variant cover
- Cable #71,73,75
- Cable 2008 series 1,6 (monkey variant),17 (70th. Ann. Variant)
- Cable #1 2017 series. Robliefeldcreations website exclusive cover, #5 Venomized cover art
- Cable #150 lenticular variant, robliefeldcreations website exclusive, “classic cable” robliefeldcreations website exclusive
- Cable #158 1:25 variant cover
- Cable/Deadpool #1,2,3,4,33,50
- Cable/Deadpool annual #1 cover art
- Cable and the New Mutants TPB
- Captain America Annual #1 DP30
- Captain America: Classified
- Captain America #1,1b,2,3,4,5,5b,6
- Captain America #1 Exclusive Comicon Edition
- Captain America #1 WW Chicago Variant
- Captain America Ashcan
- Captain America Cold War homager variant
- Captain America (2023) #1 whatnot exclusive
- Captain Marvel #30 DP30
- Civil War II 0,1 cover art
- Champions #26 cover art
- Cosmic Ghost Rider 1:25 variant cover art
- Cable/Deadpool annual #1 cover art
- Daredevil #34 dp30 variant cover
- Daredevil #12 Homager variant
- Deadpool Bad Blood #1-4 covers/interiors
- Deadpool Badder Blood 1-5 and 2 Whatnot exclusive variants
- Deadpool (2023) #6,6a Whatnot exclusives
- Deadpool #1 (2021) Dirty 30 cover/interiors, variant.
- Deadpool #1 (2020) cover, RLC exclusive variant
- Deadpool/cable: split second #1 cover
- Deadpool #1 (2018) retailer variant cover
- Deadpool #1 (2018) “the number ones”
- exclusive variant
- Deadpool #3 (2018) Fantastic Four variant
- Deadpool #10a, 10b exclusive covers
- Deadpool 2016 1,3,13,18 cover art, annual 1 cover
- Deadpool #30 1:100 variant cover
- Deadpool 2008 #1, 25
- Deadpool back in black #1 cover
- Deadpool #900
- Deadpool Corps #1-12
- Deadpool (2023) #1 x-treme variant
- Deadpool MWAM #7, #7 3rd Printing Variant
- Deadpool mercs for money 1,3 cover art
- Despicable Deadpool #287 bloody variant, Starlin homage variant. Robliefeldcreations website exclusives
- Despicable Deadpool #300 1:100 variant cover
- Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe again. Robliefeldcreations website exclusive cover art
- Deadpool Bad Blood ogn, robliefeldcreations website exclusive cover
- Deadpool Seven Slaughters #1
- Defenders #1 DP30
- Domino #1 (2018) 1:25 variant cover art, exclusive variant.
- Eternals Celestia #1 dp30 variant cover
- Extreme Carnage omega dp30 variant cover, RLC exclusive variant
- Fantastic Four (2018) Newbury comics variant cover art
- Fantastic Four #33 DP30
- Fantastic Four (2023) #7 Homager variant
- Foolkiller #1 cover
- Guardians of the Galaxy #9 cover inks
- Guardians of the Galaxy #13 (2020) variant cover DP30
- Guardians of the Galaxy #15 DP30
- Heroes Reborn #1/2
- Heroes Reborn #1 Special Edition
- Heroes Reborn/Onslaught Reborn
- Howard the Duck 2016 #3 cover art
- Immortal Hulk #45 cover art. DP30
- Inhumans vs X-men #1 variant cover art
- Invincible Iron Man #1 cover NYCC
- Iron Man Annual #1 DP30
- Kazar Lord of the Savage Land #1 dp30 variant cover
- Major X #0-6 cover and interior art, 2nd&3rd print variant covers, 2 website exclusive covers
- Marvel Comics #1000. One interior page and exclusive variant cover
- Marvel Age #81, 82, 86, 102, 105
- Marvel Vision #8
- Marvel Comics Presents #19,46,51,52,53,70,85,86 covers/interiors
- Marvel Comics Presents 2019 #5 1:50 variant cover art
- Marvel Swimsuit #1
- Marvel Universe #20
- Marvel Universe Update ’89 #1,4,8
- Mighty Thor #703 Heroes Reborn cover art
- Miles Morales Spider-Man #25 DP30
- Mission Impossible #1
- Moon Knight #19
- Moon Knight (2021) #11 variant cover
- New Mutants #85-100
- New Mutants #98 facsimile edition whatnot exclusive
- New Mutants Annual #5,6,7
- New Mutants (2020) #30 variant cover
- Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #20
- Onslaught Reborn #1-5
- Onslaught Reborn Sketchbook
- Onslaught Unleashed 1, 1a Variant
- Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #303 cover art
- Prelude to Deadpool Corps #1
- Rocket Raccoon and Groot #4 cover
- Shang Chi #7 dp30 variant
- Shatterstar #1 variant cover art
- She-Hulk #1 dp30 variant cover
- Slapstick #1 cover
- Solo #1 cover
- Spider-Man (2023) #8 homager variant
- Spider-man/Deadpool 1,3 covers
- Spider-Man/Badrock #1
- Spider-woman #16 dp30 variant cover
- Thor #16 DP30
- Uncanny Avengers #4 cover
- Uncanny X-Force #1 Variant cover art
- Uncanny X-Men #245
- Uncanny X-men #1 (2018) variant cover art, #11 variant cover art
- Weapon X #1 variant cover art
- What If: #7
- What The? #11
- Wolverine #8,154,155
- Wolverine Saga #1
- Wolverine #34 Homager variant
- Wolverine Exit Wounds #1 1:50 variant cover art
- X-Factor #40,50,52
- X-Force/Cable Messiah War #1
- X-Force #1-9,11,50,100
- X-Force mini-series #1-6
- X-Force: Shatterstar #1-4
- X-Force #1 (2018) 1:25 variant cover art, #18 cover DP30
- X-Force #36 cover
- X-force Killshot #1 covers/interiors 1a-1h, RLC exclusive variant
- X-men Red #1 1:25 variant cover art
- X-men #1 (2021) DP30 variant, RLC exclusive variant
- X-men Legends #4 DP30 variant
- X-men Days of Future Past Doomsday #1 homager variant
- Youngblood/X-Force 1,1b,1c
12 Gates
- Armageddon Now Blue softcover/black hardcover
- Road to Armageddon Sketchbook 1,1b
- Armageddon Now: the beast
- Armageddon Now NYCC Preview Book
- Armageddon Now WW Chicago Con Preview
- Checkmate #3
- Deathstroke #9-12, #0 Cover, interiors, story
- Grifter #9-12, #0 Cover art, story
- Hawk and Dove #1-5
- Hawk and Dove Annual #1
- Hawk and Dove (2011) #1-8
- Justice League 2018 #19 variant cover
- Orion #8
- Savage Hawkman #9-12 Cover art
- Secret Origins #28
- Superman #165
- Superman 2019 #8,9 variant cover art
- Superman/Batman #26
- Tales of the New Teen Titans #89
- Teen Titans (current series) #27,27RRP,28,100
- Warlord 131
- Who’s Who in the Legion of Super Heroes #1,2,3,4,5
- Who’s Who Update ’88 Vol.3
- Who’s Who Update ’90 #3
- Last Blood #1 2024 launch edition, variant cover. Whatnot exclusives.
- Amazing Heroes #138, 202
- Avengelyne/Shi #1/2 (Avatar)
- Berzerker #1,6
- Borris the Bear #6
- Blindside #0 cover
- G.I.Joe #201 cover idw
- Snake eyes agent of Cobra #1 amazing con cover
- G.I.Joe Cobra World Order prelude cover art
- Gi Joe 40th anniversary special
- Thunder Agents #8 cover
- Transformers vs GIJoe 1,2 cover
- Jupiter’s legacy 2 #1 cover
- Amazing con Guinness world record attempt cover
- Captain Victory #1 (2000) Pin-Up/Concept art
- CBLDF Liberty Annual 2010
- Chase Variant One Shot
- Comicon International Update #2
- Cynder #1 (Immortelle Studios)
- Doctor Spektor #1 cover
- EX-Mutants: The Shattered Earth Chronicles #4,5 (eternity)
- Magnus Robot Fighter #1 (Dynamite)
- Malibu Sun #9,10
- Megaton #5,8
- Megaton Explosion
- Megaton Holiday Special
- Micronauts 2016 #1 cover
- Rom 2016 #1 cover
- Rom Revolution one shot cover
- O.C. Weekly Vol.13 #6
- Prey for the Sinner #3 variant cover
- Sgt Flagg #1 kickstarter variant
- The Griffin #2 (slave labor graphics)
- TMNT Last Ronin #5 variant cover
- Transformers: Dark Cybertron #1 Variant (IDW)
- Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1 (Dynamite)
- The Shield #1, 1a variant cover and interiors.
- Snake Eyes Deadgame #1a-5. RobLiefeldcreations exclusive variants, Torpedo Comics variants.
- Super Mansion NYCC exclusive #1
- Salems Daughter #5
- Sisters of Mercy #0 (London Night)
- Solar Man of the Atom #1 cover
- Victory #1 (Topps)
- Flash Gordon #1 cover
- Jungle Jim #1 cover
- Mandrake the magician #1 cover
- Prince valiant #1 cover
- The Phantom #1 cover
- Sketchbooks
- Rob Liefeld Sketchbook 2004 Vol.1 #1,1b
- 2005 SDCC
- 2005 WW Chicago
- 2006
- 2007
- 2008 NYCC
- 2008 SDCC
- 2009
- Magazines
- 1992 chicago comicon program cover art
- Comic Buyers Guide #1624
- Comics Scene #25
- Empire 2018 summer issue. Subscriber exclusive cover art
- Entertainment weekly feb 12 2016. Deadpool pin up
- Overstreet Fan #3,16
- Overstreet Price Update #19
- Overstreet Price Guide edition 47 Hero Initiative limited edition cover art
- Wizard # 10,16,23,36,37,57,60
- Wizard Special Edition
- Comics Debut #1 (Interior – 5 pages)
- Comics Scene Spectacular #4 (Cover + article – 8 pages)
- Comics Values Monthly #96 (Cover + poster)
- Inside Comics #1—-cover
- Inside Comics #2—-Poster
- Fandango exclusive deadpool 2 poster
- Trading Cards/Misc
- 1992 Youngblood Card set
- 1995 Skybox Extreme Studios Card set
- Santa the Barbarian card
- 1992 Upperdeck Fanimation Card set
- Badrock/Extreme Studios Christmas card
- Youngblood Trading Card #0 (Wizard #10)
- Judgment Day Comic Images 1997 Trading Card set
- The Prophet Collection Fleer/Skybox 1996 Trading Cards
- X-Force Comic Images Trading Cards 1991
- Advance Comics Image Series 1993/1994 Trading Cards # 11
- Image Universe Founders Series Topps 1995 Trading Cards